Legal information

You are currently on the site edited and hosted by BNP Paribas Factor S.A., French “Société Anonyme” with a capital of 5. 718.272 EUR, with a head office located in Immeuble Allegro 160-162 Boulevard Macdonald – Zac Claude Bernard (CS 70011) 75146 Paris CEDEX 19 (France), registered in Paris under the R.C.S. number 775 675 069, acting by its branch office in Spain, BNP Paribas Factor, S.A. Sucursal en España, located in c/ Emilio Vargas 4 – 28043 MADRID, registred in the “Registro Mercantil” in Madrid (Spain), under the CIF number W0016167I.

BNP Paribas Factor S.A. is a Financial Institution registered under the number 18020 in:

Banque de France
31 rue Croix des Petits-Champs
75049 PARIS cedex 01
Tel: +(33) 01 42 92 42 92

and supervised by:

Autorité de contrôle prudentiel
61 rue Taitbout
75436 PARIS cedex 09
Tel: +(33) 01 49 95 40 00


The purpose of this website is to present BNP Paribas Factor and its products to the general public.

The information provided on the website is strictly informational, and does not represent any legal commitment or contractual agreement by BNP Paribas Factor.

All legal persons interested in the services or products presented must contact BNP Paribas Factor and ask about the availability of the products concerned and the applicable conditions and rates.

BNP Paribas Factor will seek to ensure the accuracy of the information shared on the website.

The website and navigation on the website are subject to the applicable law in Spain and these conditions of use.

The whole or partial reproduction or representation of pages or information or any other item from the website, in any format, is prohibited and shall constitute, without the publisher’s authorization, an infringement.

Any comments or suggestions on the website’s functioning and content may be sent to BNP Paribas Factor.